Dealing with Energy Issues
The need for more renewable energy sources is greater than ever. Rising power prices, fears over security of supply and climate change have put the issue of energy high in everyone’s mind. The importance of taking action to address the Climate Emergency is recognised both nationally and internationally. Successive UK and Welsh Governments have set clear obligations to this end.
Wind power increases Wales’s renewable energy output, aiding our country’s move away from fossil fuels to help tackle the climate crisis. It also provides a more independent and resilient domestic energy supply. Future Wales places ‘significant weight’ to schemes which help meet Wales’s international commitments and its target to generate 70% of consumed electricity by renewable means by 2030.
The proposed Dragon Energy wind turbines would:
- generate up to 39% of our on-site energy demand per year
- reduce our reliance on the electricity network
- provide security of supply
- increase the our energy self-sufficiency
- buffer against volatile energy prices
- reduce our carbon footprint
- provide renewable electricity on the local grid network when generation exceeds on-site demand
- help meet Welsh renewable energy targets in an area known for its energy industry and infrastructure, relieving pressure on more sensitive landscapes
We will undertake a rigorous assessment of community benefit opportunities associated with the project, which we will consult on alongside the wider project consultations.